Preliminary Survey Data Results
Stratified (by age, gender) online survey, collected via the Online Research Unit (ORU) in June 2024 for both Aust. and Indo.
- Demographics: age, postcode, region, gender, cultural background, language, education, income, occupation, religion
- Region: Years in regional, extreme weather events experience
- Health: Life satisfaction, well-being, physical and mental health
- Climate change: belief, importance, worry, knowledge
- Climate policies/action: govt priority, effective policies, actions taken
- Media: media used for climate info, trustworthiness of media
- Final: emotions, politics (just for Aust)
Australia Participants:
N = 1,234 (8.1% drop out) | 22% did not meet criteria
Age: 18-93, M = 56, Std = 17.32
Gender: Female = 688 (55.75%), Male = 542 (43.92%), Prefer not to say = 4 (.32%)
Regional/rural region (as per ABS): 26 (2.10%) Aboriginal Australian
Indonesia Participants:
N = 1,048 (7.7% drop out) | 34% did not meet criteria
Age: 18-78, M = 30, Std = 9.16
Gender: Female = 501 (47.81%), Male = 51.53 (51.53%), Prefer not to say = 7 (.67%)
All participants Rural/Regional